Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Wisdom of Solomon

Solomon is known for having an extraordinary gift of wisdom. His legendary court ruling involving two women and a baby serves as testament to his great discernment. (1 Kings 3:16-28) However, a closer look may reveal the key to Solomon's wisdom and how it may be applied to our own lives.  

Solomon came from a somewhat dysfunctional family. Although he had a privileged upbringing as the son of King David, that didn't preclude him from a wealth of family drama. One of his brothers led a failed campaign to overthrow his father as king. Another brother tried to usurp Solomon's succession to the throne just before his father's death. Solomon's life as a prince was far less than charming.  

Upon receiving the crown as king of Israel, Solomon made an extraordinary request of the Lord. He prayed that he would be granted the wisdom to effectively lead the people. Not long life, not great wealth, not fantastic strength or military prowess--Solomon simply asked the Lord to guide him in leading His people. (2 Chronicles 1:7-10)

How many of us today would make such a pure, selfless request? It seems that even many religious leaders today would be hard pressed to make such a humble petition. Not a congregation of thousands, not financial security, not even an outstanding reputation, but the wisdom to lead God's people in spirit and in truth. 

Because of his purity of heart and the sheer innocence of his request, God blessed Solomon with much more than wisdom. (2 Chronicles 1:11-12) He bestowed many other blessings on him as well--great wealth, a peaceful reign, and a great name that is known to this very day. 

When given the opportunity, will we be able to look past our personal needs  to ask God for the wisdom to do His will? Could we make such a simple request with such purity of heart? This was the key that unlocked Solomon's greatness, in spite of some of his personal shortcomings. 

Lord, my desire is to do Your will, because the fear of You is the beginning of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing Alicia. I am currently in school and you will never imagine how your blog helped me with my assignment. One of my classes is bible 104 and my assignment I am working on is the Old Testament. I have to identify the genre key theme, major events, and major personalities. I thank God he has bless you with a words and wisdom just for me.


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