Sunday, August 16, 2009


In the movie The Matrix, the main character, Neo, is given a choice to make. The character Morpheus, played by Laurence Fishburne, holds out both hands. In one hand is a blue pill that allows Neo to continue to exist in ignorance. In the other hand is a red pill that allows Neo to discover knowledge beyond his imagination. Fortunately for science-fiction lovers everywhere, Neo chooses the red pill and the rest is futuristic history. In real life, we’re also faced with choices to make every day. And those choices can set forth a series of events in our lives that can be to our benefit—or to our distress.

Oh, but if only our choices were as simple as the blue or red pill. At least then, we would know what we’re dealing with. But in reality, we’re not always clearly aware of the consequences of our choices. Obviously, we know it’s wrong to steal and that we shouldn’t commit a murder or cheat on our spouse. But what about when we choose to blow off a responsibility because we just don’t feel like doing it? Or when we choose to give someone a “piece of our mind” because they got on our last nerve?

The truth is, we don’t have a Morpheus to tell us the consequences of our choices. However, as Christians, we have God’s Holy Spirit, who is there to help us make the right choices. That’s why it’s so important to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, fasting and commitment to studying the Word, we can tune our spiritual ears to the voice of the Spirit.

In Joshua 24:15, Joshua stands before the assembly of the Israelites prior to his death. He tells them to make a choice. Either they will follow after their own desires or choose to follow God. The assembly pledges to follow the one true God as Joshua has done. As Christians, we have made the choice to follow God. And as followers, our subsequent choices should reflect the will of our Father.

I choose to seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit in the choices I make.

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