Sunday, June 17, 2012

Living Sacrifice

“When did people stop making sacrifices to God?” This question from a student made me pause once during a Sunday School lesson. And I completely understood where my student was coming from. True, I thought, God no longer requires us to slaughter the fattened calf to atone for our sins. But how do I answer this?  Then, the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation…

The easy answer is that God has always required a sacrifice for sin. Under the Law, there were various types of sacrifices that were given depending on the type of sin committed. The most significant was the blood sacrifice of an animal without defect. When Jesus came into the world, He offered Himself as the perfect blood sacrifice for all of mankind. He, who had never committed sin and was therefore without defect, took upon the sins of the world and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice. The blood He shed washed us clean of the penalty of sin. God, who is unchanging, did not change his mind about sacrifice—His requirement of a blood sacrifice for our sins was fulfilled through Jesus.

Again, that’s the easy answer.

Those who are spiritually mature may realize that we, who are no longer bound by the Law, have a different requirement. I believe the apostle Paul said it best when He stated, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1)

We, as Christians, were saved from the penalty of sin and freed from the obligations of the Law. Jesus took us from a point of physical sacrifices (with our hands, actions, and deeds) to that of spiritual sacrifices (with our hearts, minds, and souls).

What are these sacrifices? When we deny our carnal nature and make a conscious decision to instead follow the Word of God. Or when we show love to others by putting our needs last and theirs first. There are many examples that can be given, but in general, when we listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and follow Him without regard for reputation, position, or favor with man, we offer ourselves as a sacrifice to the Lord. As believers, our sacrifice is made daily!

Because of Jesus blood sacrifice is no longer required. Through Jesus self-sacrifice is to be desired.

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