Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Break?

The term spring break brings to mind images of teens going wild, let loose in sunny locales with no parental supervision. What is meant to be time off from the humdrum everyday sameness of schoolwork and responsibility often goes to the extreme of total abandon. But as the weather becomes more pleasant and the daily routine becomes less appealing, sometimes adults catch a case of “spring fever” as well.

For many, the spring season opens up a host of new opportunities. Fishing season begins, it becomes much easier to wash the car in the warmer temperature, and there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. With the 5-day workweek accounting for most of our time, and Saturday being a day for running errands, some feel that the one day of the week left to really enjoy some of the spring benefits is Sunday.

Yet are we spiritually running amok? Are we “Christians gone wild,” disregarding the parental guidance of our Heavenly Father?

There is no “time off” from serving the Lord—Psalm 100:2 reminds us to “Serve the Lord with gladness.” And for those who are faithful in their service, it’s okay to take a break once in a while—just as Jesus did during his ministry to rest the body and refresh the mind. But let’s not wildly abandon and disregard our Heavenly Father. A spring break doesn’t mean breaking away from His presence.

Enjoy time off from the daily routine—but don’t forget your Daily Bread!

1 comment:

  1. It is easy for us "more mature" people to see and warn the teens about the consequences of choices made on "Spring Break"! The become particularly frightening when our teen is involved.

    But if we look at how easy it is for us to make similar choices and experience the consequences of taking a Spring break (I AM the vine and you are the branches ...) we might be a bit more understanding of the teams and a whole lot more alarmed at the consequences both the them and to us!

    Blessings/ Denny


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