Sunday, February 28, 2010

God Says, “Move”

In the children’s game, “Simon Says,” the leader calls out orders for the rest of the group to follow. “Simon says, put your hands in the air. Simon says, spin around.” As long as the order begins with “Simon says...,” the group must obediently follow. But if the order is missing the directive from Simon, such as, “Now, sit down,” those who follow are out. As Christians, following orders from God is similar—but it’s no child’s game.

God wants a “Simon Says” type of mindset when it comes to His people. A great example can be found in Numbers 9:15–23. There, we read the account of the Israelites who were led by Moses out of bondage from Egypt and into the desert. They were set apart as God’s chosen people and were headed to the land that God promised their ancestors. As God led these hundreds of thousands of people through the desert, He gave them direction in the form of a great cloud. When the cloud hovered above the Israelites’ camp, they were to stay put. But when the cloud moved, they were to pick up their things and move. Sometimes the cloud stayed put for months or years. Sometimes it moved in a matter of days. Each time, the Israelites obediently followed. When God said, “Move,” they moved!

Years ago in my Sunday School class, we would occasionally play “Jesus Says” at the end of our session. It was a great way to get my students to burn off all that extra energy, but I hoped that it also helped to get across an important point. When Jesus says something, we are to follow it obediently. And if we decide to follow someone else or our own way of thinking, we’re in trouble.

Some may say, “If only it was as simple as having Jesus standing before you, telling you exactly what to do.” But the truth is, that’s exactly what He does. How do we find out what Jesus says? It’s easy:

• It starts with prayer.
Opening the lines of communication with God allows us to tune our spiritual ears to His voice. When we pray, we go before God, making ourselves available to hear what He has to say.
• We need to study His word. Reading the Bible gives us great insights to the direction God has for our lives. Don’t know where to start? Read the book of Proverbs. It’s a collection of wisdom that gives you basic truths and instructions that can enrich your life from day to day.
• Acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said He would never leave us or forsake us. His Spirit resides with us and walks with us. The Holy Spirit has been described as a still, soft voice. If we listen, we’ll know exactly what Jesus wants us to do.

When God says, “Move,” I’m going to do just that!

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