Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christian Nightmares

It’s funny how God can use things in the secular world to bring us back to spiritual understanding. Not too long ago I discovered a show that quickly became my favorite reality-TV indulgence called “Kitchen Nightmares.” It wasn’t long before God used that show to demonstrate some of the “Christian Nightmares” in my own life.

In each episode of “Kitchen Nightmares,” world-famous chef Gordon Ramsey visits a local restaurant that’s about to go out of business. Upon arrival, he immediately turns things upside down—revealing the restaurant’s dirty little secrets and exposing the owners’ personal and professional flaws.

Once you can get past the roaches, dirty refrigerators, and disgusting-looking food at these places, you start to see some of the real problems. Usually, it boils down to the owners’ lack of passion for the business, which has pretty much been lost over the years. They’ve gotten complacent and lazy. And the people they serve have just gotten used to it. When Chef Ramsey comes in to shake things up, the owners’ eyes are opened to the crisis they are really in. By the end, they have literally cleaned up their act, remodeled, and become inspired to do things better.

God asked me, “In what areas of your life have you gotten complacent over the years?” And I had to take a good hard look. God had shaken things up within me and I realized it was time to make some changes to better serve Him.

Are you experiencing any Christian Nightmares of your own? Invite God in to shake some things up. He’ll inspire you to make the necessary changes!

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