Sunday, April 1, 2012

Red Carpet Treatment

Today, celebrities are accustomed to having fans and assistants fawn over them wherever they go. Actors, actresses, rock stars, and even reality-TV stars just expect the adoration of the masses. And many people oblige them by giving them the accolades, cheers, and glows of approval, even when undeserved. But today marks a day when the people got it right, giving the praise and the honor to the One who deserved it most.

The phrase, “roll out the red carpet” means to lavish special attention on an important person, going so far as to lay out a special covering over the path they would walk. On the first Palm Sunday, back in Jerusalem, the people rolled out the red carpet for Jesus Christ as he triumphantly entered the city. They laid palm fronds on the ground before Him as He rode in on a donkey. And they shouted “Hosanna!” (John 12:13)

But as many of today’s celebrities will tell you, the red carpet treatment doesn’t last here on earth. Soon, the people who shouted “Hosanna!” were the ones to later cry, “Crucify Him!” Jesus—whom the people adored and welcomed in with open arms—soon became subjected to scorn and hatred. He died the death of a criminal.

For today’s celebrities, that would mean the end of the story. But Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, proved victorious even over death. He paid our sin-debt with the sacrifice of His own life, and rose from the dead so that we could have the promise of everlasting life with Him. All we have to do is accept Him.

Jesus, who came to serve, not to be served, has a red carpet rolled out for you. When you accept Him into your life—acknowledging the price that was paid for you those many years ago—you are guaranteed a place with Him eternally. And each day, He will walk with you, lavishing on you the special attention you deserve. Wherever you go and whatever you do, he will never leave you or forsake you—He’ll be your #1 fan.

1 comment:

  1. Good thought for Palm Sunday! It would make an interesting plot for a movie to see our media made heroes to face a cost for their notoriety! We have gotten too sophisticated to worship statues that we have created (Rom 1:23) so we create our own two-legged Gods!

    Did you think about the fact that today was not only Palm Sunday but Atheist Recognition day?

    Blessings/ Denny


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