Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stay Focused!

Sometimes it seems like it is so easy to lose focus. For example, after deciding to start a new exercise program to lose weight, all of a sudden the calendar gets so crowded, there’s hardly any time to get to the gym. Or after getting inspired to sit down and write the next great American novel, suddenly, there are a million other things to do. The key to reaching your goal is staying focused.

There are so many distractions out there. Everything seems to compete for our attention, especially when we’ve made up our mind to do something very specific. Sometimes legitimate concerns crop up: It’s hard to stay focused on going back to school and finishing a degree when you have to worry about childcare and raising a family. And sometimes our distractions are frivolous: It’s hard to focus on starting your own business when your time off from your regular job is filled with going out, shopping, or having a good time with friends.

Focus is precious. And it is so easy to lose. Even during our walk with Christ, we tend to become distracted. Matthew 14:22–33 gives the account of Jesus walking on water. When Jesus called out for Peter to join Him, at first, the disciple seemed to have solid footing. But Peter became distracted by the boisterous wind and began to sink. So often, we are distracted by what’s going on around us, we lose our focus on Christ. Thank God that Jesus is there to reach out His hand and catch us when we start sinking, like He did for Peter that day on the lake!

When I’m losing my focus because of life’s distractions, I’m turning my thoughts to Jesus. He’ll help me reach my goal!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I needed to read this this morning.


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