Sunday, December 25, 2011

Best. Gift. Ever.

This Christmas morning, many will awaken to find boxes of various sizes wrapped with shiny paper, ribbons, and bows under the tree. But any kid can tell you, just as you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can never really tell how great a gift will be by its trimmings. They say the best gifts come in the smallest packages. That just may be very true…

Many years ago, people were awaiting a great gift from God. He promised them a Messiah, a deliverer who would save them from their suffering. Over the course of a few centuries, speculation abounded and many were hopeful that the gift would arrive soon. Many may have anticipated that the Messiah would ride in on a great white horse, draped in gold linens. He would dismount his steed and throw back his perfect hair, declaring that he would lead the people to victory.

When God’s gift arrived in the world, the anticipation and excitement were great. A chorus of angels heralded His presence. A star burned above, greater than the spotlight of a Hollywood premiere, signaling the location of the Messiah. And three travelers from the East made their way to find Him. Yet when they finally arrived, there were no gold linens. No white steed. No great warrior with rippling muscles and glistening teeth. They found a child.

In the meekest of conditions, they found God’s gift to all people. Jesus Christ, the very Son of God. Some would have scoffed at the presentation of this gift. In fact, even later in His life many did. Some wondered how this Jesus, the son of a carpenter from a nondescript town called Nazareth, could possibly be the Messiah that had been prophesized.

1 Corinthians 1:25 says, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” God knew exactly what He was doing when He sent that precious gift. The gift of Jesus Christ, and the salvation offered through Him, is not for those who seek the shiny, fleeting pleasures that are the trifles of this world. It is for those who want greater substance in their lives, and those who desire the joy of His presence for eternity.

When I became saved, I received the best gift ever. I was 8 years old at a Christian sleep-away camp. And although I was raised Christian and knew of Jesus from the time I could walk and talk, that night at camp was the first time I could recall making a decision for myself that I wanted to accept the Gift that God had offered. And throughout the years, that Gift has never stopped giving.

Offer the gift of salvation to someone you know. It doesn’t come in a box, and it has no cash value. But it’s the best gift a person can ever receive. Share the joy.

Peace and blessings to you, and Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Tomorrow Holds

My aunt and uncle have made it a consistent practice to end every discussion of future plans with, “Lord willing.” For example, “We’ll be at your house at 8, Lord willing.” Or “Can’t wait to see you on Christmas, Lord willing.” As a child, I thought this was pretty peculiar, but I have grown to appreciate the wisdom contained in those two closing words.

The wisdom of my aunt and uncle’s perspective actually comes straight from Scripture. James 4:13-17 tells us that we should acknowledge that the plans we make are only according to God’s will. It reinforces that we have no idea of what the future holds.

This week, people I know and care about have lost loved ones, undergone surgery, and dealt with major illness. The week prior, they may not have even imagined themselves facing these trials. Any plans they had previously made were put on hold to deal with the unexpected turn of events. And all this reminds us that for as much as we plan and prepare, we never know what awaits us.

As society emphasizes being in “control of your future” and “deciding your own destiny,” we sometimes lose perspective of what we can realistically control. This is why many become devastated when things don’t go as planned. They complain that things are “spiraling out of control.” Often, the only thing that is truly up to us to control is how we approach and react to the situations we face each day. Do we respond with faith or fear?

Our lives are in God’s hands. As Christians, we should be even more acutely aware of this truth. And we should rejoice in the fact that no matter what happens, our Lord and Savior will never leave us or forsake us. Things may not always go according to our plans, but can turn our situations over to the Lord, for His will to be done.

Looking forward to sharing with you again next week, Lord willing!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Would You Be Your Friend?

A radio station recently posed a question to people passing on the street: “Would you be your own friend?” One of the first responses was, “No way, I’m a jerk! I wouldn’t even answer the phone if I called.” Another person, exuding self-confidence said, “I’m kind and loving and a great listener. I would be my best friend.” The range of questions prompted me to poll those around me.

I’m delighted to say that most of the people I know and love would be friends with themselves, as well. They cited their attractive qualities, such as thoughtfulness, pleasant disposition, and ability to have a good time with other people. And they gave examples of why they thought they are great friends to others.

Now each of these people happen to be Christian, and it made me further wonder if their faith had anything to do with their “friendability.” I thought of Galatians 5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control….” It was interesting to me that many of the qualities they citied were right from that scripture.

Of course, this is not to say that a non-Christian cannot be friendly! However, the point is that as Christians, we have been called by Christ to walk a certain way, and that walk can help us in our interactions with those around us. We have the greatest friend of all in Jesus. And all He asks of us is that we demonstrate the same love to those around us as He has shown us.

Let’s be friends!

Now you can find me on twitter @aliciarharris.